OmniPro Information Products

Accountants can and do change lives
And we get up every morning to bring you the tools, advice and training so that you can create an outstanding business for yourself and for your clients too.

CPD Club
We see CPD as an OPPORTUNITY, a way to get ahead of the curve
This is the OmniPro CPD experience. This is the OmniPro difference.
The OmniPro CPD Club provides the greatest return on your CPD investment. Not only are our prices the lowest in the market, but the range and choice of top quality, relevant CPD for accountants in practice makes the CPD Club THE NO. 1 OPTION for so many Irish Accountants.

CPD Club Plus key benefits include unlimited access to all OmniPro Online CPD & Webinars, all course notes from each event and ground-breaking video search functionality.
With Virtual CPD Club packages for individuals and teams, the OmniPro CPD Club has something for everyone.
All Your Technical Headaches Solved
Free Your Time To Create An Outstanding Business For You And Your Clients with the help of KnowledgeHUB
KnowledgeHUB could be the most significant support tool we have offered to Irish Accountants to date. Yes, the guidance, tools, templates and support material in our other information products are massively valuable and will continue supporting you and the accounting community long into the future, but sometimes you just need an answer to a problem.

Developing your understanding is essential but what if you just want the answer handed to you on a plate? Well, that is exactly what KnowledgeHUB does. However, what KnowledgeHUB provides you with is far more important than just instant answers. You will have Peace of Mind.
The Accountants Resource Centre
Put Technical Compliance In It's Box!
The Accountants' Resource Centre is the ultimate compliance toolkit for Irish accountants and auditors, helping you meet your Institute Compliance standards in the most efficient and profitable manner.
With The Accountants’ Resource Centre, you can have total confidence in your firm’s technical processes and procedures. You can deploy Standard Operating Procedures that work, freeing you and your team to work where you can add most value – helping your clients build profitable and rewarding businesses.
Once you no longer have to struggle and fight with basic compliance issues, imagine how different it will feel going to work every morning.
Imagine, with all the dead compliance time you free up, leaving work every evening knowing the impact you have had on the lives of the clients whose businesses you helped grow.

This is precisely what The Accountants’ Resource Centre is all about. Premium Toolkit
We are here to guide you and your clients through the transition to FRS 102 and beyond
The ultimate FRS 102 resource for Accountants.
The ultimate FRS 102 resource for Accountants containing, section-by-section Video Analysis, Quick Guides, Detailed Guides, Difference Guides and Practical Examples as well as Disclosure Checklists, Financial Statements, Transition Case Studies and Client Communications.

The Premium Toolkit will save you and your practice or company 100’s of hours research, trial and error. More importantly you will have peace of mind that the decisions you make in the Transition Process and beyond are done so with the back up of the most comprehensive FRS 102 resource available. This is the quickest and least painful way to get up-to-speed and get ahead with FRS 102. Premium Toolkit
The Ultimate Companies Act 2014 Toolkit for Accountants and Professional Advisors.
Changes to company law and financial reporting just keep on coming. The Companies (Accounting) Act 2017 has just introduced a slew of new changes for companies and their financial statements.
The Companies Act 2014 is the single biggest piece of legislation enacted in the history of the state. The commencement of the Act on the 1st of June brings over 15 years of consultation, preparation and work to a conclusion. This significant change impacts directly on professional advisors, SME companies and their directors. With change like this comes significant challenge, but we believe the act presents an opportunity for accountants to consolidate their position as The Trusted Advisors to Irish SMEs.
We have disseminated the 1,448 Sections of The Companies Act 2014 and produced overview guides and practical helpsheets to get you up to speed and down to work straight away. Your clients are going to have questions and business isn’t going to stand still. We have done the hard work so you don’t have to.

GDPR Toolkit For Accountants
Efficient and Profitable GDPR Compliance for Irish Accountants
Join The GDPR Toolkit for Accountants today to ensure your firm can demonstrate GDPR Compliance in the most efficient, effective and profitable manner.
The initial media hype about GDPR may have settled down in the aftermath of its introduction but the implementation grace-period across Europe seems to be coming to an end, with the first fines being handed out to small businesses for failure to comply and breach of policy.

Our recent GDPR survey shows that Irish Accountants, while many may have undertaken some basic GDPR steps, are not where they should be in demonstrating compliance with the Regulations. In fact, many firms have an element of exposure as they have some policies in place without specified procedures underpinning them which may lead to even greater issues down the line.

With our GDPR Toolkit For Accountants 2.0 Programme we went right back to the drawing board. Based on your feedback, it is evident that accountants want GDPR Compliance – quicker, easier & with less hassle.