We have invested thousands of hours in the development of the FRS102.com Premium Toolkit. FRS102.com is the most comprehensive FRS 102 resource in the market. We can save you hundreds of hours of research and give you the practical support and peace of mind you need to make the transition. We have been told that the value contained in The Premium Toolkit is far in excess of €1,000 and even at that price there would still be a massive return on investment.
The development team has been working hard over the past six months to create a host of new financial statements, guides, checklists, and examples. Our aim is to support you with the implementation of FRS 105 and S.1A of FRS 102, as well as dealing with ongoing FRS 102 and FRS 105 issues.
One of our key focuses this year was to make our content more accessible and easier to navigate, enabling you to quickly find answers to your financial reporting questions.
We have provided detailed commentary and practical, real-world examples on each sub-section of FRS 102, S.1A FRS 102 and FRS 105.
This year, we are also undertaking a complete overhaul of the video content, providing you with fresh insights and practical implementation tips, where appropriate.