One stop shop for all your queries and questions.
  KnowledgeHUB gets you the solution others won’t or can’t. 

What is KnowledgeHUB - A Look Inside
KnowledgeHUB - Designed and developed by Irish Accountants for Irish Accountants
KnowledgeHUB Launch Bonus Bundle
Register for KnowledgeHUB before midnight Thursday 4 April to lock in your Bonus Bundle Package.
When you register for KnowledgeHUB before midnight Thursday 4 April, in addition to the KnowledgeHUB Priority Support Hours, access to the KnowledgeBase, access to the KnowledgeHUB Community, access to OmniPro's unique multi-disciplinary team, the peace of mind, the competitive advantage and all your technical headaches solved, we are going to provide you with some really special bonuses.
What Do You Get When You Register For KnowledgeHUB?
1. Three Hours Priority Query Response
Submit a query by email, support ticket, chat or phone and receive a priority support response from the KnowledgeHUB team giving you a detailed and timely answer.
2. Access to the KnowledgeHUB Knowledge Base
Receive 24/7 access to the fully searchable KnowledgeHUB knowledge base that is home to almost 750 previously answered queries from accountants just like you covering a range of topics including Tax, Audit, Financial Reporting, Company Law and Regulation.
3. Access to the KnowledgeHUB Community
In our latest innovation, we have just launched a peer-to-peer Community forum which will enable you to interact with fellow practitioners sharing your experiences and insights.
4. Unquantifiable peace of mind and competitive advantage 
Consider us your outsourced ‘big 4’ style technical department, without the associated costs. Having KnowledgeHUB in your corner will give you peace of mind that no matter what crosses your desk you will have the support of a team of technical experts which will help you punch above your weight.
Feedback From Existing KnowledgeHUB Members
It’s great to have access to very talented tax experts which really helps when I need that reassurance on unusual or complex issues that I may not deal with day in day out.

For me, KnowledgeHUB is my "in-house" tax expert that just happens to work elsewhere. It is truly invaluable for me, and my firm giving me peace of mind. Especially knowing that I am going to get a quick turnaround on any queries submitted.

In addition, it’s nice to see how impressed my clients are when I give them such a comprehensive answer - quite often my own knowledge is there but KnowledgeHUB gives me the confidence and the wording to use.

Elizabeth Moles - EM Accounting Services
My experience with KnowledgeHUB so far has been excellent. It is great to have access to expert advice and the assurance it gives from a technical perspective. While the technical advisory is fantastic it is the ability to have personal interaction with the KnowledgeHUB team that really makes the difference.

Kevin Loughran - Loughran Reidy & Co.
All Your Technical Headaches Solved
Freeing You To Create An Outstanding Business For You And Your Clients

KnowledgeHUB could be the most significant support tool we have offered to Irish Accountants to date. Yes, the guidance, tools, templates and support material in our other information products are massively valuable and will continue supporting you and the accounting community long into the future, but sometimes you just need an answer to a problem. 

Developing your understanding is essential but what if you just want the answer handed to you on a plate? Well, that is exactly what KnowledgeHUB does. However, what KnowledgeHUB provides you with is far more important than just instant answers. You will have Peace of Mind.

Sometimes you just have a simple question that you want clarified to make sure you are on the right track. KnowledgeHUB has you covered. Send us a one liner and we will have your back.
Peace Of Mind...
  • ​...that you are correct in the advice you provide your clients 
  • ​...that you no longer need to worry that the advice you give today to will come back to plague you in the future  
  • ​...that you no longer need to worry about what the next phone call or email will land in your lap 
  • ​...that no matter what crosses your desk you have someone to turn to 
  • ​...that no matter how complex an issue is, you have the resources to find a practical solution quickly 
  • ​...that you can meet and exceed your clients' query response expectations  
  • ​  ...that you no longer need to sweat the small stuff and can start focusing on where you can add the most value – helping your clients build profitable and successful businesses 
  • ​...that your solution focused pro-active approach will ensure your best clients become your biggest fans and referrers 
  • ​...that you are the firm that others in your region are looking to compete with 
  • ​...that you know the major issues impacting Irish firms and businesses and can identify solutions before they even become an issue for you or your client 
But what does "Peace of Mind" really mean?
  • ​What if all of this added peace of mind at work meant that life away from work was what you always imagined it could be?
  • ​What if you finally had time and peace of mind to be fully present when you are not in the office?
  • ​What if you came home full of energy and refreshed after a day's work?
Feedback From Existing KnowledgeHUB Members
KnowledgeHUB has proven to be extremely useful for my firm. The responses are very timely and comprehensive. I have found it to be a very practical and professional service that really meets my needs as a busy practitioner. 

It has enabled us to respond to client queries very quickly without having to spend a lot of time researching detailed pieces of legislation, Revenue guidance etc.

KnowledgeHUB is an essential online knowledge centre for all professional queries that may arise in our practice. We have availed of the query service for both audit and taxation, and in every case we were very happy with the responses we received from the technical team. 

Tom McGuinness – Century Business Services
The KnowledgeHUB Priority “SOS” Guarantee
When you need us most, we will be here for you. KnowledgeHUB members will receive priority responses from our technical team of industry experts. Whether you have an emergency or are dealing with really impatient clients, we will make sure that we respond to you as soon as physically possible. 

Sometimes a simple yes or no will suffice. Other times we will need to dig deeper, get a fuller understanding of the issue and consider all the possible angles. Some solutions may take longer than others to arrive at but we guarantee a priority response, laying out our plan to find your solution.
  • ​What if knowing we are always "on call" for you meant you could fully switch off when you are out of the office?
Competitive Advantage
There are times every accountant wishes they had a technical expert sitting at the desk right next to them. It might be for a query that’s going to require research when what you really need is a quick answer. Or you may have done the work and come up with a solution. You’re 99.9% sure you’ve covered all the angles, but there’s that 0.1% nagging doubt you may have missed something.
Consider us your outsourced ‘big 4’ style technical department, without the associated costs. We’ll provide quick answers when you need them and the support to take on more complex assignments.

Backed by KnowledgeHUB your firm will have a substantial competitive advantage over your rivals, and you will be able to grow your firms top and bottom lines by:
  • Retaining your best clients through the proactive identification of innovative approaches and structures based on the knowledge shared by the KnowledgeHUB team
  • ​Providing valuable extension services, safe in the knowledge that you are backed by a team of industry experts 
  • ​Attracting higher value clients through word of mouth and referrals based on the value you add to your clients and the range of services you can effectively and efficiently offer 
Spend Your Time Where You Can Add The Most Value
Let’s face it, the majority of issues that arise on a day-to-day basis you can easily take in your stride. Unfortunately, there are a small minority of issues that really drain you and your team's time and energy

This is where someone (very often you), needs to pull out the legislation or consult the standard and end up going around the houses to find a solution. To add to your woes, very often you are not even 100% confident that the solution you arrived at is fully correct or will arrive at the best possible outcome.
Why not let us take care of all those nasty, technical, behind-the-scene issues, allowing you to focus your attention on client-facing activities - which is where you can add the most value: Helping your clients grow and develop profitable and successful businesses
  •  What if you leave the office every day on a high because you see the positive impact you have helping your clients grow their businesses?
A Centralised Technical Resource For Your Team 
KnowledgeHUB can become your firm's centralised technical resource, meaning that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet when it comes to technical issues.
How often does it happen where a member of the team invests otherwise chargeable time in researching an issue, only for a different team member to undertake the same research for a different client months later?

With KnowledgeHUB, not only will your entire team have access to our technical solutions knowledge base, but with our innovative support platform, the entire team will be able to see the questions asked by your firm and track the solutions offered by our technical team.
Now as well as saving you time on finding the most beneficial solution to your original query, with KnowledgeHUB you can ensure that your firm will never have to spend time thinking about that issue ever again.
Further to this, based on the solutions provided by our technical helpdesk, you can start to build best-practice responses to your clients' most common queries.
Feedback From Existing KnowledgeHUB Members
KnowledgeHUB has been a massive timesaver for my firm. I just don’t have the time to research all the queries that cross my desk myself. With KnowledgeHUB I know I can get a quick and detailed response. KnowledgeHUB has proven to be a welcome safety net for me and my firm.

Niall McKenna - N. McKenna & Co.
KnowledgeHUB is an amazing source of really useful information. It helps us identify the pitfalls lying in wait for our clients and be proactive in the advice that we provide. It is great to be able to fire off a quick question and know that the KnowledgeHUB team will respond quickly with a detailed reply.
Michael Tiernan - Brendan Malone & Company

The OmniPro Difference – Whole Firm Advisory
Our multi-disciplinary team is unique. There is no one who can provide the breadth and depth of support that OmniPro can. Sure, there are plenty of people who can provide Tax or Company Secretarial advice. But can they provide advice on Audit, Financial Reporting, Tax, Company Law, Corporate Finance, Insolvency or Regulation?
Well, that is the OmniPro Difference. In practice, nothing exists in a vacuum. All the disciplines overlap and interact. We specialise in providing you with expert guidance, not just in the core topic, but in the possible implications in areas that may not have been considered. 

As a member of KnowledgeHUB, you will experience this first hand, both in the responses to your technical queries and also when you are searching the knowledgebase for solutions to your issues. 
Our core belief is simply this:
Accountants can and do change lives
And we get up every morning to bring you the tools, advice and training so that you can create an outstanding business for yourself and for your clients too.
In this way, we change lives and communities.
And we’d love to do that together with you.
John Murphy
Sinead Gortland
Des O'Neill
Colm Owens
How KnowledgeHUB Supports the entire OmniPro Information Product Range
KnolwedgeHUB sits perfectly alongside the entire OmniPro Information Product range including:
  • ​The Accountants Resource Centre
Our information products give you the tools, templates and information that you need to implement best practice in your firm, whether on Company Law, Financial Reporting and GDPR, or technically compliant files with ARC.
But what happens when you run into difficulty? What happens when you have a particularly specific issue that needs resolution? Something that is out of the ordinary, that is not covered by your established processes and systems. What if you come across something that is unique or highly specialised? 
That is where KnowledgeHUB comes into play. First off, you get to search the knowledgebase discovering practical examples of where this has arisen before, and track the solutions that we have advised in previous cases. Still not sure of the most appropriate course of action? Well then you can call, email or chat with our technical team and have them analyse your specific situation and provide a tailored solution to your issue.
Feedback From Existing KnowledgeHUB Members
The KnowledgeHUB team provides me with detailed answers swiftly. As a sole practitioner, it is invaluable as I don’t have a team of highly knowledgeable experts sitting in my office.

Tom Bradley -  Bradley Accountancy Ltd
KnowledgeHUB is a go to resource for the busy accountant. It is extremely useful to have the availability of experts to answer your questions. The support and advice has helped us to provide a deeper level of support to our clients.
Michael O'Mahony - O'Mahony Donnelly
Here Is What You Get As A Member Of KnowledgeHUB
  • Priority Support Access to Industry Leading Experts
A KnowledgeHUB subscription gives you three hours priority response access to our internal team of experts. Imagine what it would feel like to have John, Mike, Colm, Sinead, Des and Yvonne on your team, available for quick “sanity check” questions, detailed responses or getting to the root of a client issue before coming up with the best solution for them. And all without having to carry the full-time cost? 
Your priority response support access time can be used at any stage during the year with a number of different communication channel options available, including phone, chat and email.

Once your initial allocation of priority support hours has been added to your account, you can begin to log queries with our technical help-desk. Additional users can be added for a nominal monthly fee, providing them with full access to the knowledgebase as well as being able to share in your firm’s priority support hours if nominated. One of the big benefits of KnolwedgeHUB’s new support and knowledge-sharing platform, is the ability for your entire team to be able to see each other’s queries and responses which will reduce the burden on internal training and in-house knowledge sharing.
Now three hours may not seem like a very long time but here are two big benefits of joining KnowledgeHUB:
  • ​There is a very high likelihood that we have answered a query similar to yours in the very recent past. If that is the case, we will be either able to direct you to the answer in the knowledgebase or be able to draft a response quickly
  • ​Our technical team are highly familiar with all the various acts, legislation and case law. If we do have to research an issue, we are going to arrive at a solution far more expeditiously than the average accountant
  • Access To The KnowledgeHUB Knowledgebase
KnowledgeHUB has been built around a fully searchable repository for technical queries and responses. These queries and responses are continuously growing and developing based on the queries that the technical team are receiving. With hundreds of queries crossing our technical help-desk on a monthly basis, we can quickly identify the emerging trends and issues.
Based on the most common or problematic queries, we will create generic detailed responses which will be posted to the knowledge base. These responses will either be text or video based. 

For every video posted in KnowledgeHUB, we will supply a transcript, which will be fully searchable.  This means that you won’t have to trawl through hours of content to find your answer. We will, instead, provide timestamps with the text associated to a video, which will allow you to jump to a specific point and play from there.
Currently there are well over 800 queries and responses live in KnowledgeHUB Knowledgebase. The Knowledgebase has more than doubled in the last 6 months and with the development plan we have in place, this figure is going to keep growing into the future.
  • Access To The KnowledgeHUB Community (NEW FEATURE)
In the latest KnowledgeHUB innovation, we have launched a peer-to-peer Community forum which will enable you to interact with fellow practitioners around issues you have experienced in your client interactions and in your firm. 

Accessible from within your KnowledgeHUB account, you can post comments and queries as well as respond to posts from your colleagues.

You can register for notifications of updates for entire categories or individual threads. Share and receive insights into Revenue determinations and practices, unusual cases, practical applications, things that have worked, things that didn't; your very own private network of like-minded accountants.
Feedback From Existing KnowledgeHUB Members
KnowledgeHUB gives me access to a wide range of topics, providing straight forward and precise answers to my questions on a timely basis. As a sole practitioner with no employees, access to such a service is absolutely essential.
Justin Noone - Justin Noone & Co 
KnowledgeHUB has been an invaluable tax resource offering thorough technical guidance with excellent response times.
Oliver Nilan – F. Beckwith & Co.

The KnowledgeHUB Platform
  • AI Smart Search Technology
We have invested heavily in the development of a custom knowledge sharing platform to ensure that you can quickly and easily find the information you want. Our platform uses the very latest AI smart-search technology which quickly learns what pieces of content relate most highly to specific search terms.

In addition to the AI smart search you have the ability to up-vote and down-vote content based on the relevance to your search items. This means that you can shape the knowledge base. 
  • Priority Support Tracking and Management
The communication platform underpinning KnowledgeHUB utilises the very latest support management and tracking technology. Once a query is lodged from within the members’ area, you will be able to see the status of the query, who is dealing with it, if there is any outstanding information required from you and also how much time has been used in finding the solution to your query.

You will also be able to see a running balance of your priority support hours, and our platform will notify you when your balance is running low. This means you are always in control of your firms' allocated priority support hours.
In addition to all this, your entire team has full visibility of all questions asked by the team and to the responses provided by the technical team.
KnowledgeHUB Launch Bonus Bundle
Register for KnowledgeHUB before midnight Thursday 4 April to lock in your Bonus Bundle Package.
When you register for KnowledgeHUB before midnight Thursday 4 April in addition to the KnowledgeHUB Priority Support Hours, access to the KnowledgeBase, access to the KnowledgeHUB Community, access to OmniPro's unique multi-disciplinary team, the peace of mind, the competitive advantage and all your technical headaches solved we are going to provide you with some really special bonuses.
Feedback From Existing KnowledgeHUB Members
KnowledgeHUB is an excellent resource. It provides us with a quick way to find the answers to our queries. It is a wonderful support to deal with everyday issues – a regular “go-to” for our firm which we would highly recommend.

Oriel Lawton – O’Connor Pyne & Co
Bonus 1: 2-Hour Marketing Masterclass for Accountants Value - Value €197
How to retain existing ideal customers while attracting a steady stream of new ideal customers. A no -bullshit marketing approach that any accountant can deploy to grow their business. A simple step-by-step plan to create revenues.
Bonus 2: Tax Advisory Masterclass Value €197
John Murphy and Des O’Neill will bring you through how to practically identify tax planning opportunities with clients and also how to propose and price those tax planning engagements. (Will include checklists and templates that you can use straight away to generate more opportunities and more fees).
Bonus 3: Time Management Programme Value €197
Des O’Neill brings you through a proven step-by-step process to help you find you more time in your day and more time in your week so you can focus on the more important things.
Register Now
Your KnowledgeHUB Subscription
Annual Subscription
Pay Monthly
€69 + vat per month
Annual Subscription
Discounted Single Payment
€699 + vat per year
Feedback From Existing KnowledgeHUB Members
 KnowledgeHUB has saved me a huge amount of time researching technical data and given me real confidence in the advice I provide to our clients. 

The quality of the responses from the KnowledgeHUB team and the speed with which they are turned around are fantastic. The knowledge and practical experience of the KnowledgeHUB team is second to none. 

KnowledgeHUB gives a small accountancy firm the same resources as a large firm with having instant access to a team of expert and technical departments.

Claire Caplice – Joyce & Caplice
 KnowledgeHUB gives us real-time access to tax advice, where you can just ask a question you may have without having to go to the expense or process of consulting a tax advisor. The answers we have gotten has allowed us to either give better advice and, in many cases, charge additional fees to our clients.

Avril Shortt – Guardian Management Accounting

It Is Not Just About You - Your Membership Will Help Others
We are proud to be part of the B1G1 Business For Good Programme. Contribution is a core value that we treasure. We believe that Business has the power and responsibility to make a difference in the world. Now, through B1G1, together we can work to create lasting change in the world.
For every member who signs up for KnowledgeHUB, we will fund a social entrepreneur and help to make a social change by offering financial support, which is inclusive of the start-up costs needed to set up a pilot initiative or business in India. Your contribution will go a long way in converting business ideas into working pilots, propelling these social entrepreneurs one step closer towards offering long-term solutions to social problems occurring on a daily basis in India.
Funding Partners
This platform could not have been made possible without the financial support of our dedicated funding partners. We would like to thank them for their continued support.