COVID-19 Webinar Series

Charting your way forward in uncertain times

Webinar 4
C19 Financial Crisis - Practical Advice for Accountants and Their Clients

In the fourth instalment of our COVID-19 Webinar Series we are delighted to welcome Jim Stafford of Friel Stafford who will be outlining practical advice for accountants and their clients amidst this financial crisis.

During the webinar Jim will cover:
  • Advice for Practising firms themselves, and what steps they should be considering and taking now 
  • ​What larger firms are doing in respect of lay offs/redundancy/study leave etc
  • ​Update on what steps the Revenue have taken 
  • ​Update on what steps CRO have taken.
  • ​How to advise their own clients on how to deal with:
  • ​Cash flow issues
  • ​Assessment of Viability
  • ​Asking the Department to pay redundancies directly
  • ​What Personal Insolvency options are open to clients who face personal insolvency
  • ​If clients are insistent on injecting personal cash to save a business, how that cash can be protected.

COVID-19 Webinar Series

Our COVID-19 Webinar Series has been designed to support Accountants throughout this difficult period. 

Our goal is to provide you with access to expertise and knowledge which will facilitate you in providing invaluable leadership to your clients and the wider business community during these uncertain times.

The economic health and safety of your SME clients is essential, not just for when we emerge from the pandemic, but right now, in helping communities get through this challenging period.

We believe that accountants are the natural leaders of the business community. We also know that to be of service and to lead others, you must first be a leader in your own business. 

To support you, we are running a free webinar series over the coming weeks to assess the impact of COVID-19 for accountants and what you can do to protect your team, your business and your customers.

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Next Webinar Details
Title: C19 Financial Crisis - Practical Advice for Accountants and Their Clients
Date: Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Time: 14:00 - 15:00

Register Now For This Free Webinar Series

Next Webinar in Series:
C19 Financial Crisis - Practical Advice for Accountants and Their Clients
Tuesday 31 March 2020
14:00 - 15:00

Jim Friel - Friel Stafford

Jim Stafford is one of Ireland’s leading Corporate Recovery and Insolvency specialists and has had extensive practical experience of all types of industries, ranging from aerospace and mining to hotels, construction and IT. 

Jim also has extensive experience of resolving shareholder disputes where he uses his expert knowledge of the Companies Acts, tax legislation and case law and his extensive negotiating expertise to formulate solutions.

He is an expert on corporate governance and regularly advises Boards on corporate governance issues. He has assisted a number of directors to successfully defend Restriction applications.

Jim is a member of the Council of The Irish Society of Insolvency Practitioners, a group which was established in 2004 as a forum for the development of expertise and experience of those practicing in the insolvency profession in Ireland. He is chairman of the Representation Committee of ISIP. He is member of the Fellows committee of the Irish Institute of Credit Management.

He is also authorised to act as a Personal Insolvency Practitioner by the Insolvency Service of Ireland.

Des O'Neill - ProfitPro

I am an accountant just like you, but I believe, and always have believed that there is a better way for accountants to run their businesses, so they get exactly what they want.

Over the past 15 years, I have worked with thousands of firms. I have seen how the best practices operate, and the mistakes that firms most commonly make. This experience has inspired me to develop my unique Accountant’s Six-Step Success Path.

I am now dedicating my life to sharing my Accountant’s Six-Step Success Path with as many accountants as possible, ensuring their businesses are more profitable and less stressful. 

It would be an honour to work with you, to guide you on your path to improving your firm's results while reducing your workload and helping you fall in love with your business again.
 © ProfitPro 2020